On Mobile Phone Brand Perception and Factors Considered by Consumers
By cuterose

On Mobile Phone Brand Perception and Factors Considered by Consumers

03/10/2021  |   952 Views

The study conducted in this article explored the relationship between brand image and mobile phone brand loyalty among African adolescents in South Africa. The results of the research showed that there is a strong and significant positive correlation between these two factors. This is especially true in light of the current mobile phone industry in sub-Saharan Africa, where competition is as fierce as it is in developed countries. The result also holds true for adolescents from other economically and socially disadvantaged groups.

Table 1 below provides a breakdown of the respondents by sociodemographic composition. Respondents were grouped into four different categories based on the size of the family, their literacy level, their income and their mobile technology use. A subset of respondents were excluded because of small missing data or due to incomplete data on relevant topics. Respondent pool include Black African, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Nigerian, Romanian, Chinese, European, Hausa, Gujarati, Portuguese, Southern Indian, Topi and Turkish.

With respect to mobile technology use, the top five brands in terms of total respondents' preference were listed as Orange, T-Mobile, Vodacom, Sainsburys and Tesco. The top five brands in terms of the average response time and percentage of total mobile device purchase is provided in Table 2. Explaining brand preference and enhancing consumer satisfaction by focusing on attributes that optimizes consumer choice are shown in the next section.

In order to enhance satisfaction and maximize satisfaction, marketers should be able to understand the factors that influence the consumers' choice of handset and smartphone. Factors such as price, functionalities, value for money, network availability and network connectivity are important. Marketers should explore monetization opportunities by creating in-app promotional offers that work well with the target profile. Marketers should also keep in mind the consumer behaviour by understanding what makes people choose one over the other. Factors like user friendliness, convenience, entertainment value, quality, battery life and interface features are important aspects to consider when improving the functionality of a mobile application. These factors can improve the mobile experience by addressing consumer behaviour related to time management, while maximizing satisfaction related to enhanced functionality and value for money.

The standard deviation used in a two-sample t-test is a measure of dispersion that is used to indicate the range of difference between the actual value and the one sample mean. The sample mean is the standard deviation of the expected value in the true case and is calculated as the difference between the actual value and the one sample mean. It is possible to use the one sample mean directly or indirectly. Indirectly, this can be done by estimating the standard deviation of estimates of the actual value and compare these estimates to the sample mean. The direct estimation involves calculating the standard deviation directly and comparing it to the actual value.

In a two-sample test of means on the mobile OSs used by users, a comparison is made between the average time taken to load web pages and estimated average times in real-time. This calculation is based on the difference between the real-time and estimated load times. An important aspect of this calculation is defining the criterion that is to be used in computing the actual value. The criterion is the difference between actual and predicted load times. A spreadsheet that can be used to make this calculation is provided on the websites of various OS manufacturers. The user has to choose a criterion from a drop-down list to match the actual times in seconds with the predicted times in seconds.

Once this data is ready, it can be used to formulate a consumer survey. A questionnaire that collects information on mobile OS features, performance, user friendliness, entertainment value, ease of use, price, user friendliness, battery life, service and support availability is the basis of most consumer research studies. The information search can be done through the internet, in the form of blogs, forums, social media sites, and other internet directories. These websites allow the researchers to collect detailed information on each of the factors.

Based on the data collected and the questionnaire answers, an informative publication may be produced. Based on the published report, a mobile device enhanced communication and interpretation of information and mobile marketing strategy may be developed. Based on the findings, a business decision regarding the selection of a mobile brand can be made. The benefits derived from such a study are beneficial to all users. Mobile phone users need not go without a handset, since there are so many different options available today.
