Do Not Use Mobile Phone Posters to Market Your Business
By cuterose

Do Not Use Mobile Phone Posters to Market Your Business

22/09/2021  |   986 Views

Mobile phone posters are a recent craze among the youth. Some of them might have actually tried it, but the others do not even know what it is about. Actually, the name "moto" refers to the shape of the device and nowadays, this has become a fashion statement. If you want to stay with the latest in the mobile world, then you should definitely try this trend! Read on for some reasons why you should not use mobile phone posters as spam!

o The first thing that you need to understand is that you need to be choosy with the mobile phone posters that you choose to get your hands on. This form of promotion is all about being different and letting people know that you are different from all the rest. So, if you opt for one-word advertisements, then you will definitely fail. Instead, try using five-word, eight-word and even short slogans.

o Do not use mobile phone posters that have vague descriptions of the products and services that your company offers. Your target customers do not have all the time in the world to read a long advertisement. In fact, they would probably just ignore it. So, if you do not want to lose a potential customer, stick to giving them direct information.

o Do not use mobile phone posters that only emphasize the benefits of your brand. Your brand should be the main factor that is making you reach out to your customers. Do not forget to mention the discount and other promos that you are offering. This will surely entice your customers to avail of your products and services. Do not forget to mention the special promos that you are planning to give in the coming months and years. Your target market does not have the time to go through long advertisements!

o Do not use mobile phone posters that are too flashy and full of colors. Your poster ads should be able to attract the attention of your customers. You can use black and white posters or pinks to attract the customers. This is very effective as it helps your customers focus on the print material instead of the image that you have incorporated into it. If your ad is able to leave an impact on your viewers, then you have definitely reached your goal of gaining more sales and profits from your business.

o Do not use mobile phone posters that are too gaudy and glamorous. As much as possible, use photos that are not explicit. You may also use animated graphics and cartoons when promoting your business. However, do not use them all the time.

o Do not use mobile phone posters that are too sexy and too suggestive. The material that you use should be something that is appealing to the eyes. The designs must be very nice and appealing. When a customer sees it, he will instantly have a positive vibe. It will also create a lasting impression on him and that will surely tempt him to patronize your business. You do not want people to remember your business through the use of your mobile phone posters, right?

o Do not use mobile phone posters that are too sexual. There are some people who are attracted with the way the mobile phone has been designed with some suggestive poses in it. This will certainly turn off your target customers.

o Do not use mobile posters that are too vulgar and suggestive. You have to remember that your target market is impressionable and they are not very tolerant with vulgar images and words. They are more accustomed to seeing and looking at pictures that are clean and nice. So, if you want your poster to go viral, do not overload it with images and words.

o Do not use a mobile poster that is too fluffy and puffy. If your poster looks fluffy and puffy, then chances are, your target customers will not take a second look at it. It will only create a second thought in their minds and that will surely chase them away from your store. Instead, opt for posters that are sleek and very glossy. This will help your business succeed in bringing in more customers. Your mobile ads will also look more enticing because people will not only see the pictures but will also have a look at the content of the posters.

o Make sure that your mobile poster has contact details. There are times when people will send texts or call the poster before actually visiting your store. This will definitely help your business in two ways. First, it will let your potential clients know that your store is there and that they can easily contact you. Second, those who are sending texts or calling your mobile ad are interested in what your store has to offer and will most likely make a buy there.
